Hang ha ba ngolisitse basebetsi ba Lebotho la Moeeng ba qetile lithupelo tsa bona tsa mantlha tsa sesole, ba lumelloa ho kena koetliso ea litsebi ho ea phehella tsela ea mosebetsi. Sena se fapane ho feta ho phehella ofisiri ea koetliso, e leng pina e fapaneng ka ho feletseng.
Sebaka sa sekolo sa theknoloji se tla fapana ho ea ka hore na sefofane sa moea se sebetsang sefofane se ntse se phehella. Bolelele ba koetliso ea theknoloji bo tla fapana le lenaneo, ka tloaelo kae kapa kae ho tloha libeke tse 'nè ho isa ho selemo (kapa ho feta).
Lebotho la Maiketsetso la Sefofane sa Air Force (AFSCs)
Mabotho a khethehileng a Sefofane sa Air Force kapa AFSCs a ngolisitsoe mesebetsi e arotsoe ka likarolo tse 'maloa. Tsena li kenyeletsa ts'ebetso, tlhokomelo le lisebelisuoa, ts'ehetso, bongaka le meno, litokelo tsa molao le moruti, lichelete le konterating, le lipatlisiso tse khethehileng.
Ka har'a likarolo tsena, AFSCs e fuoa mesebetsi ea mesebetsi, e ka 'nang ea e-ba le AFSC e le' ngoe kapa e mengata e abeloa ho eona, ho latela mosebetsi oa e mong le e mong.
Kahoo ho motho ea batlang ho etsa mosebetsi oa Sefofane sa Moeeng e le setsebi sa Maoto a Maintenance, ea sebetsang likoloing tse kang literaka le mekotla ea likoloi, o tla qeta libeke tse 7.5 tsa koetliso ea mantlha, e leng matsatsi a 79 a koetliso ea boikoetliso Port Hueneme, California, hammoho le ho finyella litlhoko tse ling tsa boemo.
Libaka tsa Koetliso ea Tlhaselo ea Moea oa Moeeng le Melao
Ho bontšitsoe ka tlaase mona ke lits'ebetso tse sebelisetsoang ho hlalosa libaka tsa koetliso tsa Air Force tsa teketeki
Alt - Altus AFB, Altus, Oklahoma
Lehae la 97th Air Mobility Wing, Altus Air Force Base e ile ea qala ho etsoa e le sekolo se koetlisang sefofaneng sa lifofane ka 1943.
Bea - Beale AFB, Marysville, California
Lekhetlo la pele le ile la buloa e le Camp Beale ka 1942, setsi sena se ne se le sebaka sa koetliso bakeng sa likarohano tsa ntoa le masea, 'me nakong ea Ntoa ea II ea Lefatše ho ne ho e-na le masole a 60 000, sepetlele se nang le likoti tse 1 000' me a sebeletsa e le motšoaruoa oa kampong ea ntoa.
Ke lehae la Ntoa ea 9 ea Puseletso.
Chr - Charleston, South Carolina
Ntle le ho ba lehae la 628th Air Base Wing, Charleston e Kopaneng e kopana le Lefapha la Tšireletso le mekhatlo ea mekhatlo e fetang 60.
DM - Davis Mothan, Arizona
Davis-Monthan, haufi le phoenix, Arizona ke kopano ea li-Air Combat Command and home to the 355th Fighter Wing.
Dov - Dover, Delaware
Dover AFB ke lehae la mapheo a mabeli a etsang sehlopha sa Dover: Mosebetsi o sebetsang 436th Aing Wing, o boetse o bitsoa Eagle Wing) le 512th Airlift Wing (e tsejoang e le Tokoloho ea Libonko). Dover e boetse e le lehae la Karolo ea Charles C. Carson ea Litaba tsa Mortuary, e leng Lefapha la Tšireletso e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea litsi tsa tšebeletso.
Egl - Eglin, Florida
E entsoeng ka 1935 tlasa lebitso la Valparaiso Bombing le Gunnery Base, Eglin ke lehae la 96 lepheo la teko. E ile ea boela ea rehoa ka 1937 bakeng sa Lt. Col. Frederick Eglin, sefofane se ileng sa bolaoa ke sefofane sa lifofane.
Ell - Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota
Ntlo ea lehae ho ea boema-kepe ba bomo ea 28, Ellsworth e hahiloe ka 1942.
Fc - Fairchild, Washington
E hahiloe ka 1942, Fairchild e na le lehae la bobeli la moea oa Air Refueling, le fuoeng Mookameli oa Moea oa Bobeli oa Moea oa Moea oa Moea.
FB - Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Setsi sa pele sa Mopapa oa Lebotho la Moea se ile sa kenngoa sesoleng sa Fort Bragg ka 2011. Sekolo sa Tlhaselo ea Sefofane sa Mabotho a Sefofane se ne se le Mopapa Field moo.
FE - Fort Eustis, Virginia
Ka selemo sa 2010, Langley Air Force Base e ile ea kenngoa sesoleng sa Fort Eustis ho theha Base Langley-Eustis. Tlhōlisano ea TRS ea 362 1 Sekolo sa Tlhaselo ea Sefofane sa Helicopter sa Moea se teng mona.
FG - Fort Gordon , Georgia
Mokhatlo oa Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance le Reconnaissance o emisitsoe Lebothong la Fort Gordon, e hahiloeng ka 1917.
FGM - Fort George Meade, Maryland
Qalong e bitsoa Camp Annapolis Junction, setsing sena, se ileng sa buloa ka 1917, ke lehae la National Security Agency. Motheo ona o kopanetsoeng o sebeletsa makala ohle a sesole sa US mme o boetse o na le lehae la 70th Intelligence, Surveillance le Reconnaissance Wing.
FL - Fort Leonard Wood , Missouri
Setsi sena sa Mabotho ke lehae la Lebotho la AIDS la 364 la koetliso, Setereke sa 1.
G - Goodfellow AFB, San Angelo, Texas
Motheo ona, o hahiloeng ka 1940, o fihla hae ho 17th Force Training Wing, e koetlisang airmen tšireletso ea mollo, le ho amohela le ho ba le tsebo.
Hu - Hurlburt Field, Florida
Ho kenngoa hona karolong e bohareng ea Florida ho na le taelo ea Lebotho la Maiketsetso la Maemo a Khethehileng (AFSOC), Lepheo la Pele la Mesebetsi e Khethehileng, Sekolo sa Maiketsetso sa Mesebetsi sa Moea oa Moea oa Moea le Sefofane sa Likhomphutha sa Air Combat 505th.
Ho - Holloman AFB, New Mexico
Qalong e bitsoang Alamogordo Airfield, setsi sena se hahiloeng ka 1942 ke lehae la Mapheo a 49.
K - Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi
Setsi sena se na le lehae la 81 la Koetliso ea Koetliso 'me ke Mokhatlo oa Boikhathollo oa Air Force oa elektronike. E boetse e na le lehae la Moea oa 2 oa Moea, Lepheo la 403 le Leqhoa la 85 la Boenjiniere ba Boenjiniere. Joaloka mohaho o kopanetsoeng oa koetliso, Lebotho la ntoa, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard hammoho le terene ea basebetsi ba Air Force mona.
Kiri - Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico
Lehae ho ea 377th Air Base Aing, setsi sena se hahiloe ka 1942.
L - Lackland AFB, Texas
Motheo ona ke karolo ea Base Base San Antonio, e kenyeletsang Lebotho la Fort Sam Houston le Randolph Air Force Base. Lackland ke eona feela seteishene sa ho sebetsa se sebetsang sa Lebotho la Moeeng se ngolisitseng Koetliso ea Masole ea Mantlha.
LR - Little Rock, Arkansas
Motheo ona ke lehae la Lehlabula la 19 la Airlift, le abeloang ho Air Mobility Command 21st Expeditionary Mobility Task Force. E boetse e le setsi se ka sehloohong sa Lefapha la Tlhaselo ea Tšireletso bakeng sa lifofane tsa C-130 Hercules.
Luk - Luke AFB, Arizona
Lehae le lephepheng la bohlano la masole la bohlano, setsi sena se ile sa hahoa ka 1941 'me se bitsoa Napole ea Lefatše ea Lefatše ea fofang, Frank Luka, letsoalloa la Phoenix, eo ka mor'a moo a ileng a fa Medal of Honor ka lebaka la sebete sa hae.
Max - Maxwell AFB Montgomery, Alabama
Motheo ona ke lehae la 908th Aing left University le Air, e fanang ka koetliso bakeng sa basebeletsi bohle ba Moeeng, ho kenyeletsa thuto ea masole le litsebi.
MC - McChord Field, Tacoma, Washington
Moqapi, o hahiloeng ka 1940, ke lehae la 62 le lifofane tsa Airlift, Air Mobility Command.
McG - McGuire AFB, New Jersey
Karolo ea Motheo o Kopaneng McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, o kenyeletsang mehaho ea sesole le sesole, McGuire o na le lehae la 87 la Air Base Wing.
P - Patrick AFB, Florida
Motheo ona, oo pele o neng o tsejoa e le Naval Air Station Banana River, ke lehae la 45th Space Wing le litaelo haufi le Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
Po - Pope Field, South Carolina
Mopesaleme oa pele oa Lebotho la Machaba a se a tsejoa e le Mopapa Field mme o laoloa ke Lebotho ho ba karolo ea Fort Bragg.
S - Sheppard AFB, Texas
E hahiloe ka 1941, Sheppard Air Force Base e na le lehae la 82 la Koetliso ea Koetliso. Le 80th Flying Training Wing le teng mona.
Sct - Scott AFB, Illinois
E thehiloe ka 1917, Scott ke ntlo-khōlō ea US Transportation Command 'me e na le lehae la 375th Air Mobility Wing, Leqhoa la Moahloli la Moea 126th Air Refueling Mapheo le Air Force Reserves 932nd Airlift Wing.
Ti - Tinker AFB, Oklahoma
Lehae ho ea 72th Air Base Aing, Tinker e boetse e le lehae la Strategic Communications Wing One le tse ling tsa liofisiri tsa Lefapha la Tšireletso.
Trv - Travis AFB, California
Setsi sa sesole sa mabothooa setsing sena, se hahiloeng ka 1942, ke 60th Air Mobility Wing
Tyn - Tyndall AFB, Florida
E hahiloe ka 1941, Tyndall ke lehae la Lepheo la Mapolanka la 325.
V - Vandenberg AFB, California
Vandenburg ke lehae la 30th Space Wing ea Lebotho la Moeeng mme e hahiloe ka 1941. Ke setsi sa litekanyetso le lisebelisoa tsa liteko tsa Lefapha la Tšireletso.
Whi - Whiteman AFB, Missouri
Whiteman ke lehae la 509th Bomb Wing, e sebetsang le B-2 Stealth Bomber. Setsi sa motheo se ile sa thehoa e le setsi sa Mabotho a Moea ka 1942.