Tlhahlobo ea Mohlala bakeng sa Batho ba nang le phihlelo ba Barekisi ba molao
Seterateng sa Molao sa 125
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Lehae: 412-753-4308
Cell: 412-694-7821
Ho fumana setsi sa molao sa lefapha lefapheng la molao le nang le monyetla oa hore ke kenyelelitse tsebo ea ka ea ho ngola , bokhoni ba mokhatlo le lilemo tse 15 tsa phihlelo ea ka hare ho ntlo ho kenya letsoho khōlong ea khamphani le phaello.
Khampani ea ABC Insurance , Pittsburgh, PA
Paralegal e kholo, May, 2009 - Hona joale
- Etsa lipatlisiso le litlhaloso bakeng sa lefapha la litsebi tse hlano tsa molao, ho fokotsa litefiso tsa ka ntle ho 10%.
- Lethathamo la litokomane tsa molao tse kenyelletsang litlhaloso tsa boipiletso , lipatlisiso tsa 'nete, ho sibolloa , lipolelo, litletlebo le melaetsa ea molao.
- Lipatlisiso le ho sekaseka litaba tse sa tšoaneng tsa molao litabeng tse kenyeletsang matšeliso a lekhetho , basebetsi, tikoloho, lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa , likamano, mosebetsi , lichaba tsa machaba, matšeliso le molao oa ho aha.
- Ngola le ho fetola letlapa la litaba; nts'etsopele mokhoa oa ho boloka nako le tlhahiso ea litaba.
- Ho thehiloe lenaneong la ho fokotsa basebeletsi ba ntlo-ba-ea-lawyer le ho fokotsa chelete ea basebetsi ba selemo le selemo ka $ 20,000
Dekmark Corporation , Pittsburgh, PA
Motlatsi oa Molao , January, 2004 - May, 2009
- Ho ameha likarolong tsohle tsa ts'ehetso ea lithako ho kenyeletsa lipatlisiso tsa molao, lipatlisiso tsa 'nete, tlhahlobo ea litlaleho tsa bongaka, tsamaiso ea litokomane le tlhahlobo ea liteko.
- E sebeletsa e le maqhama pakeng tsa batsamaisi ba mekhatlo, baeletsi ba ka ntle, batsamaisi ba mekhatlo ea boraro le maemo ohle a basebetsi.
- Thusoa ho boloka le ho laola keletso ea ka ntle.
- O ile a hlahlojoa keletso ea ka ntle ka litefiso tsa molao 'me a fana ka tlhahlobo ho baetapele ba molao; e thusitse ho fokotsa litefiso tsa ka ntle ho morero ka 20%.
- Ho ngotsoe le ho theha tataiso ea lefapha bakeng sa lipatlisiso ho eketsa bokhoni ba ho tsamaisa nyeoe.
- Litokomane tsa ho sibolla tse ngotsoeng, mekhahlelo, libuka le melaetsa ea molao.
- Re fumane Moputso oa Basebetsi oa Innovation ka 2005.
Newberg Corp. , Pittsburgh, PA
Paralegal, Senior, August, 2000 - January, 2004
- O ile a sebeletsa e le mookameli oa lefapha lefapheng la linyeoe , a nyolohela ho boemo ba boemo bo phahameng ka selemo se le seng.
- Basebetsi ba thusitsoeng ba thusang lits'ebetsong tsohle tsa ts'ebetso ea linyeoe ho kenyeletsa lipatlisiso tsa molao, lipatlisiso tsa 'nete, ho itokisetsa bopaki, tsamaiso ea litokomane le ho itokisetsa liteko le tšehetso
- Ho etsoa litlaleho tsa bongaka le thekiso; litokisetso tsa mekhoa ea bongaka le litlhaloso.
- E etselitsoe katleho ea Bobeli ea potoloho e khutšoanyane tabeng ea molao oa mosebetsi .
- E thusitsoe ho qaleng setša sa intranete sa lefapha, ho ngola boitsebiso ba marang-rang le basebetsi ba koetliso mosebetsing oa intranet.
Corporation ea Robertson , Pittsburgh, PA
Paralegal ea Khamphani, July, 1996 - August, 2000
- Litsebi tsa basebetsi ba thusitsoeng ho laola makhotla a 350 + ho kopanyelletsa le khoebo, asbestos , lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa, mosebetsi le mosebetsi, litlhoko tsa tikoloho le tsa khoebo.
- E ile ea sebetsa e le maqhama pakeng tsa batsamaisi ba mekhatlo, baeletsi ba ka ntle, batsamaisi ba inshorense le batsamaisi ba mokhatlo oa boraro.
- Liqeto tse ngotsoeng, likonteraka, mangolo a lekhetho, likopano tsa molao le litokomane tse ling tsa molao.
- Laebrari ea molao ea tsamaiso ; ho ngolisoa ka mekhahlelo ho litšenyehelo ka 5%.
- Re amohetse moputso oa ho amohela mosebetsi ka 1999.
Institute of Paralegal University ea Davis , Pittsburgh, PA
Degree: Certificate ea Paralegal , June, 1996
GPA: 3.9
Motlatsi oa Motsoalle, Makasine ea Parascope
Univesithi ea Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, PA
Bachelor of Arts, Senyesemane / Ho Ngola, 1995
GPA: 3.7, Magna Cum Laude
Dean's List semester e 'ngoe le e' ngoe
- Pro Bono Moputso, Mokhatlo oa Pittsburgh Paralegal, 2007 le 2008
- Mongoli ea hatisitsoeng ka ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa molao ka li-paralegal o re: "Litsela tse 10 li buella mosebetsi oa hau oa boipheliso ho bahiri ba molao ," Mothusi oa Molao kajeno (August, 2007); "Ho iketsetsa litšenyehelo tsa lichelete: Tataiso ea Paralegal bakeng sa Lichelete tsa Molao tsa ho hlahloba," Paralegal Journal ea Machaba (Spring, 2009).
- Ofisi ea Paralegal Institute ea Davis University ea 1995, ea 1995
- Mokhatlo oa Pittsburgh Paralegal
- National Federation of Paralegal Associations
Bakeng sa thuso e eketsehileng ea ho bōpa molaoli oa hau oa molao, hlahloba tataiso ena ea ts'ebetsong mme u qalelle setšoantšo le lisebelisoa tsena ho theha tlhahiso ea tlhōlo .